Product Catalog

Thermowells, Threaded Bosses and Hex Fittings

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Thermowells are used to mount a temperature probe in containers, pipelines, etc. It can go with a temperature probe in a kit or as a separate product. 

Gz-3Gz-9Gz-10 thermowells are designed for temperature probes with a free hex fitting, Gz-3nGz-9nGz-10n - for temperature probes with a welded hex fitting. Gz-3Gz-3nGz-9 and Gz-9n mount at the operation place using a hex fitting, Gz-10 and Gz-10n are made for welding one. Every thermowell has a copper washer by 2 mm of thickness. It's recommended to fill a thermowell with oil and copper chips or thermal paste while mounting a temperature probe. The design of Gz-3 and Gz-3n is welded construction (up to 20 MPa of conditional pressure), Gz-9Gz-9nGz-10Gz-10n - solid-machined one (up to 50 MPa of conditional pressure).


Technical specifications

Model ↓ D, mm D1, mm d, mm d1, mm PN*, MPa
Gz-3, Gz-3n Ø10 - Ø7 - 16
Gz-3, Gz-3n Ø14 - Ø10 - 20
Gz-3, Gz-3n Ø16 - Ø11 - 20
Gz-3, Gz-3n Ø16 - Ø12 - 25
Gz-9, Gz-9n Ø29 Ø13 Ø11 Ø8 50
Gz-10, Gz-10n Ø30 Ø20 Ø12 - 50

* PN - the highest overpressure at temperature of environment = 293К (20°С) (only for thermowells)



Threaded bosses are designed to mount a temperature probe in containers, pipes, etc. It can go with a temperature probe in a kit or as a separate product. Shp-20 hex fitting is designed to mount 1-41-61-241-261-26а1-27 temperature probes with 6 or 10 mm of diameter.


Technical specifications

Model ↓ D, mm D1, mm d, mm d1, mm
Bk-1 Ø10 - Ø7 -
Bk-1 Ø30 - Ø11 -
Bk-1 Ø30 - Ø17 -
Bk-2 Ø20 - Ø7 -
Bk-2 Ø30 - Ø17  
Bk-3 Ø12,5 - Ø6,5 -
Bk-3 Ø14,5 - Ø8,5 -
Shp-20 - - Ø6 -
Shp-20 - - Ø10 -

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